Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Earliest Cafarellas in the Islands, a note from Marcello Saija

Veduti di Lipari

You must understand that until the end of the 1500s there were very few inhabitants on Salina. In Lipari however there were many people between the middle of the 1500s and the time of the census of 1610. We find Cafarella Bartolo, "large owner" Cafarella Colonna. Mentioned once each, we find: Cafarella Francesca, Cafarella Mario, Cafarella Masi, Cafarella Tizzano Colonna, Cafarella Vittoria and Cafarella Bartolo.
Other than that, for the moment, it is not possible for me to say with my records that the Cafarellas from 1600 to the 1700s rented or received a grant of land in Salina from the archbishopric of Lipari.

This is a very loose translation of a note from Marcello Saija who was the author of Mercanti di Mare. This was the enormous book about the seafaring people of Salina in the 19th and 20th centuries. This is a wonderful book to own if you have a real interest in the islands, even if your family was based on the other islands. All the islands had traditions in common and this will tell you a lot about them.
The book is out of print, but is available sometimes to those who search diligently on the internet. The price can be quite high ranging up to 175 dollars including shipping. If you want one, I could request one from Marcello as I believe he has a few left. I do not know what he will charge.

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